“The Teton is the last major free-flowing river in eastern Idaho: we’ve built large dams and reservoirs on all the others.”

— Scott Bosse | American Rivers

Current Initiatives

Chris Jensen Chris Jensen

BLM Resource Management Plan

The Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will resume work on its resource management plan (RMP) for the Teton River Canyon and surrounding area.

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Chris Jensen Chris Jensen

Felt Dam Relicensing

In June 2021, the Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative submitted a draft license application (DLA) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with the intention of securing a new 30-year license for the Felt Dam in the Teton River Canyon.

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Chris Jensen Chris Jensen

Aquifer Recharge

The Teton Valley Aquifer Recharge Program works with willing agricultural and livestock producers to manage water on farms and ranches early in the irrigation season, to sustain water supplies for humans, fish, and wildlife into the late summer months.

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Chris Jensen Chris Jensen

Canyon Creek Flow Restoration

Among the tributaries in the Teton Watershed, Canyon Creek is a major focus for restoration efforts due to its valuable high-elevation habitat, importance as a Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) spawning tributary, and historic productivity as a fishery.

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