BLM Resource Management Plan

Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), federal agencies charged with overseeing our public lands must create and periodically update their land management plans that govern a range of activities including grazing, timber harvest, mining, energy development, recreational use, and special conservation designations. In 2022, the Upper Snake Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will resume work on its resource management plan (RMP) for the Teton River Canyon and the surrounding area. The upcoming plan revision presents a prime opportunity to gain long-term administrative protections for select rivers and streams that are found to be eligible for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Click here to view of map showing which waterways in the Teton Canyons are currently eligible for Wild and Scenic designation under the existing Medicine Lodge RMP that was written in 1985.


Felt Dam Relicensing