Felt Dam Relicensing

In June 2021, the Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative submitted a draft license application (DLA) to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with the intention of securing a new 30-year license for the Felt Dam in the Teton River Canyon. Built over a century ago, the 12-foot-high hydropower dam impedes upstream and downstream passage for Yellowstone cutthroat trout and other fish species. In July 2021, a coalition comprised of several conservation and recreation groups submitted detailed comments on the DLA in which they requested that the project applicant conduct several new studies to gain additional information on how the dam is affecting fish as well as public access to the river. To view the comments, click here. On October 29th the conservation coalition submitted comments on the Felt Dam final license application (FLA). You can view the comments here.


BLM Resource Management Plan


Aquifer Recharge